
Data center networking is the method of establishing andinterconnecting all physical- and network-based equipment and devices within adata center facility. Data centers collect,store, process, distribute, and allow access to large amounts of data. Datacenter networking uses high speed packet-opticalconnectivity to connect two or more data centers over short, medium, or longdistances. Such solutions help link two or more data centers to achieve keybusiness or IT objectives. A data center network forms a networkinfrastructure that complies with industry regulations, offers reliability, stability,and security, supports networking requirements for modern technologies, andfulfill the requirements of network communications in peak usage.
Datacenter networking is a vast poolof internal resources connected with a communication network via a physicallink. It can be regarded as a collection of computers and other devices thatare used to store, transfer, configure, analyze, and operate informationtechnology devices of a data center. A network is basically a collection ofnetworks or separates them into various categories. Data center networkconnects all the internal data center resources together through a physicalconnection. This physical connection can be in the form of cables, copperwires, or in the form of high-speed Internet access.
In simple words, data centeris a physical facility that organizations use to house their criticalapplications and data. The design of data center is based on a network ofcomputing and storage resources that enable the delivery of shared applicationsand data.
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