Large Volume Parenteral Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026
Large Volume Parenteral Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026
Large Volume Parenteral Market Report- 2026 Analyses competitive environment such as key players, future trends, growths, challenges and acquisitions in the market.

Regional segmentation of the LargeVolume Parental Market by Coherent Market Insights consist of NorthAmerica, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. NorthAmerica is expected to dominate the large volume parenteral market, owing toincreasing number of hospital admissions and cost associated with suchadmission (an estimated US$ 1900 in 2013 as per Kaiser Health fact). Accordingto American Hospital Association factsheet 2018, an estimated 35,158,934hospital admissions were reported in 2017, large volume parenteral is integralpart of any admission procedure, as nutrition and electrolyte support isessential in most of the cases. According to report by Lancet Commission forGlobal Surgery, 2015, large number of unmet surgical needs in Asia Pacificregion are expected to provide potential opportunity for large volumeparenteral market due to use of large volume parenteral  to administer therapeutics doses ornutrition. Parenteral nutrition plays a key role in patients who are unable totake diet normally or unconscious. In such cases nutrition is administeredthrough large volume parenteral. According to study published in Journal ofCritical Care in 2017, an estimate of 40,000 people are in need of suchparenteral nutrition annually in the U.S., which in turn is driving growth ofthe market.

Parenteral are sterile dosageform that are administered through route other than oral route ofadministration. They are injected into one or more layer of skin and activeingredient directly come in contact with tissue or blood vessel. Large volumeparenteral are of two types, small volume parenteral are single or multi dosagepreparation with volume 100 ml or less quantity whereas large volume parenteralhas volume more than 100 ml.

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Large volume parenteral comes inbag or bottle for intravenous administration and are used for correction offluid/electrolyte balance, providing nutrition such as dextrose.

Increased need of palliative careand need for more surgical procedures to drive growth of the large volumeparenteral market

Increasing demand for palliativecare worldwide is expected to drive growth of the large volume parenteralmarket, owing to use of large volume parenteral to provide electrolyte balanceand nutritional fluids. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 2017, anestimate of 40 million people need palliative care worldwide. Around 78% amongthose people, live in low- and middle-income economies and only 14% of peoplein need of palliative care receives it. Disease which require high palliativecare are cardiovascular diseases (38.5%), cancer (34%), chronic respiratorydiseases (10.3%), AIDS (5.7%) and diabetes (4.6%), kidney failure, chronicliver disease. This creates potential opportunity for large volume parenteralmarket players. Increasing number of surgeries are expected to propel growthfor the large volume parenteral market worldwide. For instance, according toWorld Bank statistics, in 2012, around 4511 surgeries were performed per1,00,000 population across the globe. As per Lancet Commission for GlobalSurgery, 2015, an estimate of 143 million unmet surgical need per year,surgical need in turn drives large volume parenteral market as they areessential part of pre and post-operative care. 

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Key players operating in largevolume parenteral market include Baxter International Inc., Teva PharmaceuticalIndustries Limited, Kelun Pharmaceutical Inc., BAG Healthcare GmbH, Hospira,Inc., Patheon Inc., Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Wockhardt Ltd., SouthwestPharmaceutical Co. Ltd., and Cook Pharmica LLC.

In January 2018, BaxterInternational Inc. announced a distribution agreement for the U.S. launch ofthe Arisure Closed System Transfer device, which has several component toprevent contaminants from entering the intravenous medication delivery system.This avoids the entry of hazardous substances while administration of therapy.Baxter International Inc. also completed the acquisition of the ClarisInjectable Limited in July 2017, which is expected to improve Baxter’s presencein generic injectable market.

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CoherentMarket Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offeringaction-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consultingservices, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related toemerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollaropportunity.



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