Incognito Hidden Braces
Incognito Hidden Braces
Best orthodontic treatments for children, teens and adults. Experts in traditional and alternative solutions in Hawaii. Call (808) 674-9191

Incognito Hidden Braces

Remote Monitoring

Send scans of your smile directly to our office. Dr. Tottorireviews the scans and can monitor your orthodontic treatment remotely,reducing the number of appointments that you need to make in office.

Grin is a digital dental monitoring system that takesorthodontics to the next level! This powerful technology uses an app to monitoryour treatment remotely.

Using an app on your smartphone, you can have a check-upwith Dr. Tottori simply by taking video of your teeth as you progress throughyour treatment. Remote check-ups take the place of most in-person visits, soyou can spend less time in our office and more time out doing the things youlove.

The Grin App is cutting-edge technology that offers remotemonitoring for a variety of orthodontic needs. The Grin experience includeshigh quality self-scans with the latest teeth straightening solutions. It's aperfect solution for busy patients with aligners.

At TottoriOrthodontics we believe that digital dental monitoring combined within-office appointments will result in an optimal solution for our alignerpatients since they will be able to send digital scans from the comfort oftheir homes while receiving instructions from Dr. Tottori on a weekly basis.

What are Metal Braces?

Metal braces are the tried and tested method for teethstraightening, correcting the alignment of the jaw and helping patientsachieving a beautiful healthy smile. Traditional braces consist of just a fewmain components namely: the stainless steel brackets, bands, wires, ligatures(or color ties), and elastics.

Metallic braces were among the first orthodontic appliancesthat were introduced for orthodontic treatment of misaligned or crooked teethand are still used today for orthodontic treatment for children, teens andadults.

Braces stay on the teeth by applying some tooth-friendlycement to the brackets which will be removed at the end of the treatment.

Who are metal braces for?

Traditional braces are more effective at treating extremeovercrowding than other options like Invisalign or Clarity aligners and areless expensive. Dr. Tottori has greater control to move the teeth in smallincrements over the time in treatment. While less noticeable orthodontics, likeclear aligners, may seem like a better choice for those who are conscious oftheir appearance, today's braces are more visually appealing than in pastyears, especially with the introduction of ceramic brackets. Visit this website=