
WordPress comes with Default Post called Posts and two taxonomies called categories and tags. You can use them to organize your blog posts.
If you want to create New post in your site then WordPress gives the option to create a custom post and a custom post type.
If you want to create New post in your site then WordPress gives the option to create a custom post and a custom post type.
How to Register custom post with taxonomy in wordpress
WordPress comes with Default Post called Posts and two taxonomies called categories and tags. You can use them to organize your blog posts.
If you want to create New post in your site then WordPress gives the option to create a custom post and a custom post type.
For instance, you can create a custom post type called ‘Recipe’ and sort it using a custom taxonomy called ‘Recipe Type’.
You can add Recipe Type terms like Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,snacks etc. This would allow you, and your site readers to easily sort Recipes by each Type.