
Repairis an important point when you talk about gadgets. If any of your items aredamaged, you will seek repair help, whether it's from the manufacturer, repairservice, or you can fix it yourself. If your laptop is damaged, you don't haveto take it to the repair place. You should be able to fix some minor damage or LCD screen replacementson your own. For example, you want to replace the spare parts that you thinkare not suitable. We take the TN panel as an example. You don't need to go to arepair service to replace a TN panel, you can replace it yourself. Thisself-repair applies to Chromebooks as well.
Torepair yourself on a Chromebook, you can start with something simple, forexample changing the screen. Some types of laptops or Chromebooks still usecheap TN panels. To check this, take a look at your chromebook replacement screens.If the color changes when you look at it from a different angle, then the TNpanel on your Chromebook is cheap quality. That proves that not all the latestgadgets use expensive spare parts. You can replace a cheap TN panel with ahigher quality, such as IPS. You can order the parts you need through theonline shop. Check out the following easy steps:
1.First, you have to be careful when opening the plastic bezel that surrounds thescreen. Open the bezel is the first step you usually do on laptops andChromebooks. You'll also find plastic clips around the bezel, which is a bit ofa hassle. But, when you can open one, the others will be easier. When you'vefinished opening it, set it aside first.
2.Check the back of your laptop or Chromebook. You need to open the back attachedto the screen to be able to replace the panel. Some laptop brands use double-sidedtape, and some use small bolts. To remove the double-sided tape, you need aheat gun. Meanwhile, to remove the bolts, you use a small screwdriver. Afteryou manage to open the back, remove the screen from the laptop case. You needto remove the cables attached to it. The display cables are easy for you tostrip, but that's what makes you have to be careful. And, finally, you got theTN panel off.
3.To install a new panel, you can repeat the above steps in reverse steps. Youstart by reattaching the display cables to fixing the laptop frame into place.Don't forget to tap back the part that used the tape or put back the bolts thatyou removed. Finally, replace the bezel.
Youcan immediately feel the difference between a TN panel and an IPS screen. Youcan enjoy a stable display from any side without being distracted by changingcolors. In addition to replacing a low-quality screen, you can apply the stepsabove if you need to replace a broken or damaged Chromebook screen. If indeedyour screen needs to be replaced, you can check the laptop replacement screensthat matches your Chromebook model, even the one with better quality than theoriginal.