
Electricalstimulation devices is often used as the most effective method of improvingmovement. It's not a miracle cure - it takes months for any real results to beseen. However, patients have reported dramatic improvements in range of motion,strength, range of motion, and the ability to hold onto items. These devicesare sometimes used along with physiotherapy or physical therapy in order to getthe best possible results.
Thereare three types of stimulation devices currently on the market. The first isthe electric toe-heel machine. These stimulation devices are used to treat mildto moderate adhesive callus (self-injurious), callus malformations and corns/anklesdue to walking on hard surfaces, or other foot concerns such as bunions andhammertoes. Electrode heel pads are comfortable to wear, inexpensive, and arequite effective in treating these common foot conditions. Patients typicallywear these stimulation devices overnight and notice improvements the followingmorning.
Anothercommon use for electricalstimulation devices is to treatpatients suffering from pneumatic pain syndromes. Episodic or repetitive painthat doesn't respond to standard medications is a common symptom of thiscondition. Episodic pain generally responds well to stimulation devices. Thetreatment is quite inexpensive and patients may notice pain reduction after thefirst session. Patients should always follow their practitioner's instructionswhen using stimulation devices. The electrical stimulation can actually worsensymptoms if done while the patient is in a state of shock, such as whenapplying ice to the painful site.
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