Cenforce D is contain sildenafil and dapoxetine used to treat erectile dysfunction for men. Check reviews, dosage, price, benefits or side effects.


Cenforce D

Description Of Cenforce D :

Cenforce D tablet is a prescription tablet used to treaterectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood stream tothe penis. This helps to a men to get or maintain an erection. It belongs to agroup of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type five(pde 5) inhibitors.Sildenafil 50mg is used for treatment of men with erectile dysfunction, whichis the inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient forsatisfactory sexual function.

How To Take Cenforce D :

Take the drug with a glass of waterwith or without food one hour prior to the sexual experience.

How To Work Cenforce D :

Cenforce D mg having saltSildenafil citrate works by blocking the function of phosphodiesterase type 5in the body. which raise the level of cGMP in the body and relaxes the bloodvessels in penis. More blood leads to access in erection levels in the body.Hence, better and long lasting sexual intercourse experience.

Dosage Of Cenforce D :

Only 1 tablet per day of Cenforce D mg should be taken with a glass of water. Follow theprescription or consult your physician for further instructions on the consumptionof Sildenafil Cenforce D. The medicine shows its effectiveness within an hourof its consumption & it should be taken before 30 minutes to 1 hour of theplanned sexual intercourse. The patient should be sexually stimulated for thedrug to show its effectiveness as per the Cenforce D.

Side-effects Of Cenforce D :

Common side effects whichconsequence in using Cenforce D are sudden vision loss, hearing disability,chest pain etc. Take immediate crisishelp if you experience these conditions inextreme.

Warning Of Cenforce D :

 Cenforce D  medicine usingonly one tablet per day. If you are no longer taking a dose or skip taking adose, contact your physician. Also, don't drink alcohol or beverages such ascaffeine when taking it. During the treatment of erectile dysfunction, youshould directly feel side effects such as pain, high blood pressure & skindeodorants. Consult your doctor or pharmacist directly.

Storage Of Cenforce D :

Store sildenafil tablets at roomtemperature between 59°F & 86°F (15°C and 30°C). Keep sildenafil tabletsaway from light. Do not store this medication in damp areas, such as bathrooms.

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