
According to a report Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects nearly 20% of men in the United States, but the link between stress, anxiety, and sexual health isn’t often addressed. Psychological inputs allow the body to achieve erections at the desired time—mental distractions affect that ability.
“Anything that can lead to anxiety can inhibit the ability to get an erection.”
The sexual response cycle has four main phases: desire, arousal, orgasm, and relaxation. Erectile Dysfunction or Erectile Disorder specifically relates to arousal. Feeling anxious or stressed can make it hard to feel or sustain sexual pleasure.
Anxiety plays a major role in the development of the problems associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). Psychological and behavioural responses to ED can lead to a vicious cycle of increased uneasiness, distance and conflicts. This in turn leads to a lower frequency of sexual encounters, less time spent together and a lack of communication between partners in a relationship. In this review, methods to decrease sexual anxiety are discussed. Primary care psychosexual counselling including a detailed explanation of ED, reassurance to the patient and proposal of a solution for ED are outlined. A multidisciplinary approach to ED therapy is recommended using psychosexual counselling in conjunction with pharmacotherapy.
In other words, Sexual performance anxiety (SPA) is a feeling of nervousness and sexual anxiety before and during sex. When you experience these feelings, your body might release increased amounts of powerful stress hormones such as adrenaline, making it more difficult for you to relax and enjoy sexual activity.
Treatment | Diagnosis
ED Meds/drugs are especially effective for treating sexual performance anxiety if your anxiety disorder is caused by feeling self-conscious about ED. In this case, performance anxiety is a side effect of erectile dysfunction and medication can help solve that physical problem.