
Peel Strength Tester
Presto Adhesion Strength Tester is used to quantify the permanence of adhesion or peel ability of self- adhesive pressure sensitive materials. Peel adhesion is defined as the force required for removing a pressure sensitive coated material, which has been applied to a standard test plate under specified conditions, from the plate at a specified angle and speed. Presto Peel Strength Tester is strictly manufactured as per ASTM standards and is highly recommended for use in the plastic packaging industry.
The Presto Peel Tester is built on a rigid metallic base plate and finished in Autumn Gray & Blue combination painting, the instrument has a bright chrome / zinc plating to give it a corrosion resistant finish. The tester comes complete with Instruction Manual; Electrical Wiring Diagram & Calibration Certificate traceable to NABL approved Labs