Anzer honey
Anzer honey
At, You can easily buy Original Turkish Anzer Honey directly from Our Turkish online is the most expensive honey in the world and famous with its curative powers.

Anzer honey - At, You can easily buy Original Turkish Anzer Honey directly from Our Turkish online is the most expensive honey in the world and famous with its curative powers.

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Original Turkish Anzer Honey

$69.99 – $229.99

Original Anzer Honey from Anzer Plateau (Rize)

Anzer Honey is the most expensive honey in the world and famous with its curative powers. It contains the highest valuable ingredients coming from 500 different plant varieties in Anzer Plateau. (80 of these different flowers are endemic and only grows on the plateau Anzer – Rize – Black Sea Region Turkey)

We can illustrate the power of the Anzer honey with an example, Anzer honey has the highest content C vitamins, 25.44 mg per 1g, while other honey range from 0.5 to 6.5 mg per 100 g. For example, Chesnut (Castanea sativa) honey has 3.1 to 8.9 mg per 1 g. (more about the Vitamin content of honey).

In this region, more than 400 kinds of flowers were found in the researches conducted by British and German botanists, 82 of which are grown only in this region.

Original Anzer Honey

We ship all products in an original glass jar. You can see Patent No, Turkish Standards Institution No, Business Registration No, Metal Seal of Cooperative, and QR Code on the jar.

In Anzer, depending on the climate conditions, honey is taken from the beehives in a process called milking (harvesting) in the first or second week of August. The amount of honey production varies depending on weather conditions and early mowing of meadows. There have been years when there was very little or not at all.

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Beyazıt, 34126 Fatih/İstanbul