
Angela Ence
I would call myself an incidental entrepreneur. Angela Ence also turned down invitations by friends to “become my own boss” during the MLM (multi-level marketing)craze. But 14 years later, I find myself the owner of a mid-sized marketing agency with 15 staff and I never thought I’d even run a business!
Angela Encewas working for Oregon Scientific SEA Pte Ltd as a pioneer staff of 3 and building the business for the brand. I was in charge of brand development and creating the awareness for it, so I started with building a chain of retail outlets. I liked marketing and the concepts of reaching out to people to promote something that would make a difference to that person, be it a service or a product.
I realized that marketing incorporated this basic human need to make their lives better. I managed to create a business based on my simple want to help my friends to run their business.
Naturally, my first clients were my friends. Angela Ence was not afraid of selling them my service because I was sure I would deliver. And they had seen my work in my previous companies and were just as assured that I would. Business developed from there.