
Aluminium Extrusion and Aluminium for Windows Supplier
Aluminium is today the most important industrially used metal after steel with the applications in almost all fields and all areas of everyday life due to its light-weight, high strength and recyclability.
Extrusion is defined as the process of shaping material, such as aluminium, by forcing it to flow through a shaped opening in a die. Extruded material emerges as an elongated piece with the same profile as the die opening.
In aluminium extrusion process, a billet is heated to an appropriate temperature and then pushed under high pressure by a hydraulic press through a shaped opening in a special steel die. The profile crosssection of which corresponds the opening of the die is then quenched, stretched, cut to required length and finally aged to achieve a desired hardness.
Aluminium windows are a cheap, efficient, and sustainable option for any home or commercial building. With Aluminium being a natural resource, the environmentally friendly aspect of Aluminium Windows is an important factor when selecting Aluminium for Windows.
Windows with Aluminium Panes require very little energy to operate, meaning money saved at the end of the year. Furthermore, the highly efficient glazing process utilizes a fraction of the energy of other popular options such as UPVC, making Aluminium Windows much more cost-effective in the long run. This means that Aluminium Windows offers long life, low maintenance cost, and significant financial savings over other options on the market today. There are a large variety of styles of Aluminium Windows to choose from so there is bound to be something to suit your needs, budget, and style. Aluminium Windows from AluFoldDirect comes standard in two different panes and a choice of either slimline or tilt-up panes which are fitted for.