
Al Intishar Insulation is a 23-year-old , insulation and waterproofing company in UAE.
Waterproofing Companies in Dubai, UAE | Al Intishar Insulation
Al Intishar Insulation is one among the oldest professional waterproofing companies in Dubai and all
over the UAE providing waterproofing solutions for their customers. Time and again, Al
Intishar has been recommended by its customers because of their effective services. Waterproofing is
an essential and mandatory part of any construction. We provide the best waterproofing solutions with
the help of our professional experts. We work with the latest technologies and our engineering team is
always on the search for the most advanced techniques for providing the most appropriate
waterproofing solutions. We offer a wide variety of waterproofing solutions which includes warehouse
waterproofing, roof waterproofing and basement waterproofing.