Increased vulnerability to road accidents;
Immense emission of Greenhouse gases and
Health issues caused by air
Traffic management essentially means regulating heavy traffic areas anddealing with congested areas. It is probably the biggest problem the cityadministration faces because of :
a) Increased vulnerability to road accidents;
b) Immense emission of Greenhouse gases and
c) Health issuescaused by air pollution and ozone layer depletion.
It is very important to reduce frequent congestion on roads to not onlyreduce consumption of excessive fuel in traffic jams on signals but also tobring down greenhouse gas emissions and better toll management.
These factors have long term effects on the body on prolonged exposureto these environments like lung damage, irritation in eyes and even increasedrisk of skin cancer due to ozone layer depletion. There are a few reasonsbehind increased congestion on roads like orthodox infrastructure, no smartsystems to analyse and record dynamic data and inefficient traffic signaltiming. A few solutions incorporated in advancedtraffic management systems are:
Traffic signal timing is very important and it needs to be very accurateespecially on intersections. The traffic coming from all the sides of anintersection in all four directions has huge potential of colliding into eachother and causing accidents. Therefore, it is important to reduce congestion inintersections. Advancedtraffic management systems offer a solution to provide dynamic traffic route timing and re-timingon the basis of changing patterns of traffic present on the roads. This helpsthe commuters keep moving as much as possible and not waste time in red lightstops. Some technologies are also trying to make the system’s algorithmprioritise emergency vehicles like ambulances.