
The most commonly recommended adult vaccinationsare those that protect against infections caused by viruses that are spreadthrough contact. These include hepatitis B, rabies, hepatitis c, and influenza.Many other infections and diseases may also be covered under this category. Tolearn more about these and other vaccines, talk with the doctor or visit thewebsites of different pharmaceutical companies. The first of the three majorinfluenza vaccines is called HPArix. This adult vaccine was first recommendedfor use in children age five to nine years old. In adults, it is best to bevaccinated at an age when they are not likely to develop complications, such ashaving already received a flu vaccination. Receiving any type of adult vaccinemay also prevent developing influenza.
Another type of flu vaccination recommended foradults age 50 and over is the quadrivalent inactivated vaccine (QIV). This adultvaccine is made from four different strains of the influenza virus.Hepatitis B vaccination is another option available for adults. A single doseof the hepatitis B vaccine is made using a combination of proteins to helpprotect against disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis Bvirus (HBV) is the primary cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer in peopleyounger than twenty years of age. Making sure the child receives a hepatitis Bvaccination on schedule will help to reduce their risk of serious complicationsand death caused by this disease.
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