5 Simple Tips for a Bushy Areca Palm
5 Simple Tips for a Bushy Areca Palm
Do you want to know the best tips to make your Areca Palm bushier? Follow this guide to take the best care of Areca Palm and allow the best growth. 

Areca Palms are tropical beauties that grow bushier when given the right environment and care. They grow relatively faster than others, but the growth may be severely impacted due to several reasons. If you want to keep it growing taller and bushier, you need to learn about the reasons that prevent the growth. You need to know the several ways to Care for Areca Palm to avoid all these problems affecting the growth. Here are the top 5 tips to help improve the growth of your Areca Palms:

Apply Granular Fertilizer

The best step to improve the growth of your Areca Palms is choosing the right fertilizer. Apart from the proper care for Areca Palms, providing them with the right nutrients also encourages their growth. The best step is to buy a granular fertilizer or Palm fertilizer from Leaf Baba for your palms and increase more chances for growth. Apply the water immediately after fertilizing to let it dissolve quickly in the plants and grow faster.

Choose Bright Indirect Sunlight

One of the reasons your palms face growth issues can be the wrong environment. If you place them where they receive harsh direct sunlight, your palms can easily die. The ideal location to take the best care of Areca Palms is to choose a bright indirect location. You can choose a sunny window or a shady outdoor place where they can easily thrive well by receiving sufficient sunlight.

Water frequently During Springs and Summers

It is pretty difficult for the plants to survive in harsh summer afternoons. A balanced watering schedule is vital for the growth of your palms. So, you must make sure to water more frequently during the summer and spring seasons than in winter. Do not let them dry out entirely if you want the best care for Areca palm. Also, it is a must to pick a pot with a drainage hole from Leaf Baba so that the excess water can pass out easily.

Fertilize During Spring and Summer Only

The time of applying fertilizer is equally essential for the proper growth of your plants. When you use fertilizer, the plant must be able to grow efficiently. During the winter months, the growth speed reduces for your palms, and the plant won’t be able to grow at its full pace. That is why summer and springs are the best seasons to care for Areca Palms and apply fertilizer. It helps them uptake the nutrients easily, leading to better growth.

Winter Care

Another tip for you is to take special care of Areca Palms in winter. As the growth rate reduces during the winter months, it gets tricky for the plants to grow at their full speed due to a lack of sunlight. So, make sure to not overwater them during the winter season as it gets difficult for them to absorb water easily.