5 Simple Steps to Sell Your Art!
5Simple Steps to Sell Your Art!
Whether you've been creating art for years,or if you've finally given in to the artist inside, here's a simple andeasy-to-implement guideline to help you sell your art.
Step 1: Before you go about figuring outhow to sell your art, decide whether you do want to sell your art.
Initially, this question may seem a bitredundant. But if you really think about it, are you aware of what's involvedin selling your art?If you've never sold your art before, you may not realise that after you'veinvested so much time and commitment into a piece of work, it might be a bithard to let it go! But in all seriousness, you may want to look at yourmotivations for wanting to sell your artwork. Do you want to share your art ordo you consider it as a necessary evil? If you find yourself leaning moretoward the latter, you may want to reconsider your decision to delve into theart business. It could be possible it's not something you're passionate aboutor something you wouldn't find much fulfilment in pursuing.
Step 2: Decide what it is that you want tosell.
Do you have a vast portfolio of works youwant to sell or do you want to specifically make pieces to sell? If you feelconfident that you have a good collection of salable pieces, then by all meansdive right in and research your potential markets and sales opportunities! Ifyou're looking to create your art to sell, you may have more work ahead of you.But you do also have a great opportunity to identify existing niches to createworks targeted to those potential customers. In both cases, a little researchgoes a long way! Get to know who your potential customers are, what kind ofother artists are currently selling to these markets and consider how you caneffectively create or market your pieces to them.
Step 3: Find out where you can sell yourartwork.
This is probably one of the considerationsmany artists take for granted - where to sell artwork. It may be quite easy tofind the local art markets, or state art fairs, or even online art sales sites,but what you will also need to consider is who you will be selling your art toin those locations. It may be worth doing the additional research to find outspecifically what kinds of art sells best at these locations. By this I mean:are buyers mainly looking for low priced craft or trinket kinds or art? Perhapsmore sales are made of larger scale, high quality and expensive pieces... Ifyou find markets or locations where buyers will more likely be looking for thetype of work you're sell you'll be making more sales with half the effort!
Step 4: Effectively price your work.
Generally, artists do one of two thingswhen they price their work: under price it or over price it! Pricing is not avery simple strategy to grasp, so prepare for a bit of trial and error when itcomes to finding the appropriate pricing for your work. Again, research can bea very useful tool when it comes to appropriately pricing your work. Considersimilar styles of work, or artists with similar backgrounds, what are the pricepoints they're selling their work around? Could you possibly create foryourself a pricing system to suit differing pieces and different markets?
Step 5: Create it and sell it!
Once you've successfully completed theprevious steps, you're ready to pull it all together and start selling! Andalways keep in mind one of the most important points to selling art - have fun doing it!You're art is something you're passionate about and something you love doing,share that with potential customers and fellow enthusiasts. Artists get boggeddown in the actual selling of art - you're an artist not a sales person! But bybeing true to your craft and open with customers you can find a way tosuccessfully mix the two.