
Finding The Best Placement For Your Yarn
Your hand will improve as you practice your techniques. You'll be able to adjust the tension naturally as you learn more. Even though I am a skilled crocheter, I still find my tension can be a little uneven when I don't have complete control over my skin.
Example: If the yarn is new, natural tension may be created by pulling it from the middle. You will find that the yarn becomes looser as you go through it.
Instead, pull the skein a few yards away and let it hang free while you work with it.
You might place your skein into a yarn bowl, and then pull the yarn out of the skein. This will ensure that the skein is not moved and the yarn maintains consistent tension.
Grab the yarn correctly
According to me, there is no right or wrong way to tie the yarn. It is essential that you are:
You must have a good grip on your yarn. You may feel insecure and drop your yarn a lot. This can cause you to tighten your grip, increasing tension while working on your project.
You can hold the yarn for as long as you like without becoming sore. You should stop working if your hand hurts quickly. Also, take frequent breaks. You may feel a lot of looser tension if you continue to work even though your hand is tired.
These are the grips I use and which I switch between depending on the yarn thickness, crochet techniques, etc. :
Method number. The most popular is Method 1. This is the best option if you want to have a looser tension. The tension can be controlled by pinching the yarn between your middle and index fingers. Tension is tightened if you squeeze your index and middle fingers together.
Method no. If you are a fan method 2, 2 is a good choice. If you prefer method 1, but require a bit more tension, e.g. when crocheting amigurumi. Wrap the yarn around your wrist and wrap it around your palm. To control tension, you can still use your index finger and middle finger. However, the extra wrap helps to tighten the yarn slightly.
Method No. For thinner yarns such as Rainbow Cotton 8/4, I prefer method 3. Wrap the yarn around your pinky and then wrap it around your index finger. This allows you to squeeze the yarn between your pinky, middle, and index fingers, giving you total control over the yarn.