
A liability waiver is a document that states that you understand what risks are involved in using a product or indulging in some type of activity. By signing such a document, you basically agree to assume responsibility for any injuries or damages caused by your use of the product or service.
If you need to get a waiver of liability, you can find a free waiver of liability form online from any free of cost legal forms & templates website. However, before you use such a form, there are some misconceptions and confusions regarding liability waiver forms that you must clear beforehand - in order to be on the safe side.
What are some important things that you should know about liability waiver?
A common misconception about a liability waiver is that it is an insurance policy. But that is as wrong as it gets. A liability waiver is not insurance; it does not cover legal fees or medical expenses. If you get injured due to the use of an injurious product or service or any activity of a similar nature, you will not be able to recover any competition for your injury from the provider of that provider / service / activity.
This waiver of liability is provided solely as a convenience to you, all though it also keeps the company legally protected from any lawsuit by you or your family members in the future. If you do not agree to the terms of the product or service provider, do not use what it has on offer. And if you choose to use the product or service, you do that at your own risk. By signing a waiver form template in Tennessee, you hold nobody responsible and basically free the product or service provider from any liability for your injury.
It can be quite easy for you to lay your hands easily on a free of cost liability waiver template at any website where free legal forms are available. There is no need for you to pay anything and you can simply download a form of this type. You can use the form just as it is or have it tailored to your requirements before using.