
Are you looking for the best company registration in Bangalore?
Le Intelligensia is here to fulfil your company registration process in an effective manner.
If you are gonna start your own business or organization, the primary thing that strikes your mind is the company registration and record. This is the essential legal requirement for starting a business on your own.
In India, registering a business is otherwise called incorporating a business. Your business turns into a particular entity and procures legal status while registering it.
All kinds of company registration procedure responsibilities are taken by the Ministry of Corporations, India.
In this article, we are going to clarify about what are the different types of companies' registration processes.
Basically, there are 6 various types of company registration for the formation of company ownership in India.
Proprietorship Firm Registration
Partnership Firm Registration
Private Limited Company Registration
One-Person Company Registration
Limited Liability Partnership Registration
Public Limited Registration
Proprietorship and Partnership Firm Registration, these two firm registration formations can be easily done and they don't require any complicated formalities.
Private Limited, One-Person Company, Limited Liability Partnership, and Public Limited, these four firm registration formations require a certificate through the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
1. Proprietorship Firm Registration
A business or company owned by a single person is called a proprietor and the form of ownership is called a Sole Proprietorship.
This Proprietorship firm registration is mostly suitable for small start-ups.
Minimum legal terms
Fast, firm and even easy to dissolve
The Decision-making process is easy
Tax benefits
Just a One-day registration process
2. Partnership Firm Registration:
A business or company owned by more than one member then the number of members who own the company are called partners of the business and the form of ownership is called partnership.
This type of business or company is the most popular and common type of company ownership in India.
The registration process of the company is easy
Less legal compliance to maintain partnership activities
Equally, share capital contribution among members
3. Private Limited Company Registration:
These kinds of private limited companies are not governed by any public authorities. It doesn't provide full ownership to any shareholders. Its having limited liability and rights to the shareholders.
Generally, a public company transfer its shares to the public, but It does not transfer its shares freely to the public.
Limited liabilities
Attracts investors
Tax benefits
4. One-Person Company Registration:
The organization is owned by only one individual, where he is at the opportunity to utilize any individual with his own carefulness, and there is nobody can't get a higher position in the company other than him otherwise he has authorized someone to do so.
Independent Existence
Limited Liability
Separate Property
Transferability of Shares
Tax Flexibility and Savings
5. Limited Liability Partnership Registration:
An organization's LLP is possessed by various partners it restricts the partners from practising authoritative control among different accomplices and furthermore doesn't make different partners liable for the negligence of one partner.
This type of organization is registered by joining the advantages of a partnership company and another company.
Limited Liability
Minimum legal Compliance as compared with other
Less limit of members
Easy to incorporate
No minimum amount of Paid up capital
6. Public Limited Registration:
It is suitable for large-scale companies that require a large investment.
It is similar to the Private limited company, just omitting the thing that the company is controlled by public shareholders. It has the majority of direct regulatory requirements compared to private companies.
Suitable for large-scale companies
Uninterrupted Existence
Shares can be easily transferred
Eligibility for listing in the stock exchange
For more information, Visit the best company registration in Bangalore site Le Intelligensia
How to register a company? | Company Registration in Bangalore
To start and run a successful business you need to be legally compliant with all the formalities of company incorporation. Let's look at how to register a company legally in India.
On the off chance that you will enlist a startup or another organization in India then you really want to keep it in Indian official records for example Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). One doesn't have to visit the corporate office for registration as it very well may be done while sitting at home. The registration incorporates Digital Signature Certificate(DSC), Digital Signature Certificate(DIN) and filing for an e-form.
Four major steps to register a company in India:
Step 1: Deciding your Business Structure
This is one of the most basic and essential steps for the registration of an organization or company. Concluding the business structure of your organization will essentially characterize the way your company takes and how it handles activities for its whole lifetime. Hence, it turns into a crucial stage to conclude the right business structure adjusting to your company's requirements and needs.
There are many kinds of Business Designs in India, and it tends to be difficult to choose which one to go for. In this way, we'll take a broad look at all the business structures to assist you with picking the best one.
Proprietorship Firm Registration
Partnership Firm Registration
Private Limited Company Registration
One-Person Company Registration
Limited Liability Partnership Registration
Public Limited Registration
Step 2: Obtaining a DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)
A Digital Signature is a way to check the realness of a product for our situation, a record. The greater part of the time, the authenticity is a copy of the physical signature, it could likewise be a stepped seal which confirms the authenticity of the document and offers undeniably more innate protection from impersonation.
Various Classes of (DSC):
Class 1: Individuals/Private Subscribers.
Class2: Business Personnel as well as for personal and private use.
Class 3: High Assurance Certificates. Majorly for E-commerce Operators whether individuals or companies.
Step 3: Obtain DIN (Director Identification Number)
The concept of a Director Identification Number (DIN) has been introduced for the first time with the insertion of sections 266A to 266G of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006.
DIN Forms:
SPICe Forms: Allocation of the DIN number to the proposed directors of a new company
DIR-3 Form: To become a director of an already existing company.
DIR-6 Form: To convey the changes in any particulars of the existing directors.
Step 4: File for Incorporation
Obtaining DIN
Name Reservation
Pan Application