
What is the use of clear formaldehyde( 清甲醛) ? A study of workers exposed to formaldehyde in the air found more cancer cases than expected. Based on human and animal studies, international authorities have determined that there is sufficient evidence that formaldehyde is carcinogenic (carcinogenic) in humans at sufficiently high doses and with prolonged (years) exposure.
Since our daily exposure to formaldehyde can come from many sources, every effort should be made to minimize unnecessary exposure to formaldehyde for you and your family to reduce the risk of health effects and allergies.
reduce exposure
Try these simple tips to lower your formaldehyde exposure levels:
When working with formaldehyde-containing products, make sure you have adequate ventilation. Opening doors and windows can reduce formaldehyde levels in your home.
Avoid or minimize exposure to cigarette smoke, especially indoors.
Avoid using non-flue gas or kerosene heaters indoors.
Minimize the amount of formaldehyde-containing consumer products and cosmetics used in the home
Wash new clothes before wearing, and wash/air new toys and other products before use. Especially if you can smell it.