Signature Global City 92 | To make your life comfortable with Signature Global
Signature Global City 92 | To make your life comfortable with Signature Global
This Signature Global City 92, Residential complex is an epitome of green building; constructed with eco-friendly processes and practices. Here, rejuvenate in nature’s freshness

Signature Global City 92 | To make your life comfortable with Signature Global

Type A

Built-Up Area

Home office / Terrace


Power Back up


Car Parking


First Floor

1091.308 Sq.ft.

294.57 Sq.ft.

Rs. 64,15,800

 Rs. 60,000

 Rs. 54,565

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 67,80,365

Second Floor

1091.308 Sq.ft.

294.57 Sq.ft.

 Rs. 61,97,538

 Rs. 60,000

 Rs. 54,565

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 65,62,103

Third Floor

1091.308 Sq.ft.

294.57 Sq.ft.

 Rs. 61,97,538

 Rs. 60,000

 Rs. 54,565

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 65,62,103

Fourth Floor

1091.308 Sq.ft.

733.793 Sq.ft.

 Rs. 67,43,192

 Rs. 60,000

Rs. 54,565

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 71,07,757

Type B

Built-Up Area

Home Office/ Terrace


Power Back up


Car Parking


First Floor

959.137 Sq.ft.

238.06 Sq.ft.

 Rs. 56,38,766

 Rs. 60,000

 Rs. 47,957

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 59,96,723

Second floor

959.137 Sq.ft.

238.06 Sq.ft.

 Rs. 54,46,939

 Rs. 60,000

 Rs. 47,957

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 58,04,896

Third Floor

959.137 Sq.ft.

238.06 Sq.ft.

 Rs. 54,46,939

 Rs. 60,000

 Rs. 47,957

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 58,04,896

Fourth Floor

959.137 Sq.ft.

626.023 Sq.ft.

 Rs. 59,26,508

 Rs. 60,000

 Rs. 47,957

 Rs. 2,50,000

 Rs. 62,84,465


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