
Benefits of London Brick - ABC Depot UK
The iconic London Brick from Forterra has been in production for 140 years and has been used to build over five million homes. All of the bricks are available in the standard 65mm size with four also available in 73mm. They are ideal for extensions and renovation projects when brick matching is required.
• The original London Brick
• Comprehensive range of colors and textures
• The first choice for extensions and renovations, particularly in London and the Home Counties
• Can be recycled at the end of their use
• Contribute to thermal mass
• BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing certification
London Brick range:
-Reds: Chiltern, Claydon Red Multi, Georgian, Heather, Regency, Rustic, Sandfaced, Sunset Red, Tudor, Windsor
-Buffs: Hereward Light, Honey Buff, Milton Buff, Nene Valley Stone
-Yellows: Golden Buff, Ironstone, Longville Stone, Saxon Gold
-Black & Greys: Brecken Grey, Brindle, Cotswold, Dapple Light