
1. Research the company
You don't need to know everything there is to know about the landscape, but you should know some of the basics. Before your interview, make certain to browse the company's website, listening to the services they supply and therefore the industries they serve.
If the company has a blog or a social network, read its recent posts. If you have the names of your interviewers ahead of time, be sure to look up their LinkedIn profiles as well. Doing so will help you identify where your expertise or interests align with the goals and capabilities of the team. This will give you talking points for your interview that will make it easier for you to illustrate how you can benefit the company.
2. Choose what to wear wisely
Waiting until the morning of your interview to pick what to wear is inviting trouble. You don't want to know at the last minute that the shirt you had in mind has a stain or that your pants no longer fit. As soon as your interview is scheduled, try on the clothes you want to wear so that you have plenty of time to handle any laundry or purchases you need.
As for what to wear, consider the position you are applying for. Due to the nature of work, the landscaping near me industry tends to be more informal. However, you still have to dress to impress. If you are interviewing for an office job, a suit or collared shirt with good pants is appropriate. If you're interviewing for a job that's not behind a desk, stick with your collared shirt and pants; no need for a suit.
3. Know how to get to the interview location
The day before your interview (or before), map your route to the interview location. If you need to travel during peak hours, be sure to plan extra time for traffic. If you're not sure how much time to allot, enter the address into a function like Google Maps, which allows you to specify what time you'll hit the road to provide a more accurate estimate. Remember, being on time for an interview generally means arriving a little earlier. You don't want to cut it too short.
Finally, if it is unclear where to park or where to register when you arrive, please contact your contact at the company in advance to confirm. It is a simple step that will help you stay calm, collected, and collected before the interview.
4. Practice with a friend
If you feel nervous, ask a friend or family member to practice the interview questions with you. For help anticipating what may be asked of you, search online for interview questions. Many sites offer a long list of examples. Or, if you prefer to prepare on your own, some people find it helpful to practice in front of the mirror or in the car or to write down possible responses. While you shouldn't go to the interview with note cards, writing down your thoughts ahead of time can make it easier to formulate what you want to say.
However, you choose to prepare, remember to present a genuine version of yourself in the interview. Don't worry about trying to memorize the answers; It can make you look rehearsed. Recruiters want to see the real you. So don't worry if you say "um" or take an occasional pause to collect your thoughts. Those things are only human.
5. Pack your "travel bag" for interviews
This tip is simple. Bring extra copies of your resume and a pencil and paper. Your interviewer will likely have your resume in advance, but it's good to be prepared. Also, you'll want to have them in case there is an additional interviewer that you weren't planning on. Pencil and paper are good for taking notes, in case you need to jot down someone's name and contact information, especially for thank you notes. We'll talk more about that in a moment.
6. Pay attention to your body language
Your mind may be racing, but don't let your leg do too. Specifically, watch out for nerve ticks, such as moving your legs, moving in your seat, or touching the pencil. Incessant movements like these can make you seem anxious and distract you from what you are saying. And most importantly, be sure to maintain good eye contact with the interviewer, not only when answering their questions, but also while asking them.
7. Establish a relationship with the interviewer
Interviews are often exhausting for both the interviewer and therefore the interviewee. But, when an interview seems like an honest conversation, it is often energizing for everybody. Pay close attention when interviewers introduce themselves and are sure to call them by name. Find opportunities for common ground. Ask your interviewer about themselves, for example how long they have worked for the company or what made them interested in joining the company. When appropriate, you'll share information about your own interests or personal background. These exchanges help everyone feel comfortable.
8. Buy yourself time to think
Inevitably, you will be asked a question that you did not anticipate, or you will suddenly lose track of your thoughts. It happens to everyone. When you do, don't panic. Instead, buy yourself time to think. For example, you'll ask a clarifying question which will assist you better understand what the interviewer is asking. Or tell the interviewer, "That's an excellent question.
Let me think about that for a moment," and pause briefly to collect your thoughts.
9. Show curiosity
At the top of the interview, you'll likely be asked if you've got any questions. Before the interview, consider what you would like to ask. Take this opportunity to show your interest in being part of the team or better understand how you can contribute to the
success. for instance, you would possibly want to ask about the team’s goals for the year, the most important challenges they’re trying to unravel, or what the team culture is like.
10. Write Thank You Notes
Thank you notes go an extended way, yet many of us still don’t write them. Put yourself within the hiring manager’s shoes and picture if the choice for whom to rent decreased to you and one other person with similar qualifications. Now imagine just one of you sent a many thanks note. It’s easy to see how that influences their impressions. Don’t let the opposite candidate have the last word. Always write a many thanks note to every person you interview with.
Your note does not need to belong or elaborate. Thank the interviewer for his or her time, reinforce why you would like to be a part of the team, and the way you'll benefit the corporate. Sticking a handwritten many thanks note within the mail is best, but writing an email instead is suitable if the hiring process is moving quickly and time is of the essence.
Follow the following pointers and you’ll exude confidence and reduce the strain of the interview process. And remember—there’s a reason it’s called a process. Every interview you are doing makes subsequent one that much easier. So albeit you don’t land the work the primary time, know that each interview after causes you to that much stronger.