
Anyone who is reasonably handy around the house may install a new furnace. There are a few things you should aware of. I won't able to transmit all my knowledge in a piece like this, but I'll try to cover the key points that will enable the handy person to get over some of the biggest obstacles that could come up when replacing a furnace. If you are looking for a new furnace installation then you can choose the best option in Toronto.
Replacing Your Furnace
When replacing your furnace, you should start by investigating various new types. Don't assume that you need a furnace with the same BTUs as yours. If you are replacing an older, inefficient furnace with a more efficient model, you might consider better off with a smaller furnace. Additionally, confirm that the new furnace's dimensions will let it occupy the same space and function as the existing supply and return ductwork.
Remove The Outdated Furnace
You must then remove the outdated furnace. Make sure to thoroughly plan for the installation of the new furnace when you do this. You may make the hookup of the new furnace considerably simpler by making some thorough planning. Don't disassemble the old furnace any more than is necessary. Then, place the new furnace such that it can utilize as many of the old fur components as possible new furnace installation then you can choose the best option in Toronto.
The Necessary Hole in The Furnace's Side
Gas or oil lines should also disconnect. The supply and return ductwork should then be properly disassembled. After making the necessary hole in the furnace's side, the return ductwork can frequently simply be reattached to the new unit. If your furnace does not have air conditioning, you may frequently simply temporarily fasten the supply ductwork to the ceiling to hold it in place until the new furnace can be installed underneath the old one. Many modern furnaces aren't as tall as older ones, so you'll either need to block it up and reduce the return duct or you'll need to link it to the existing ductwork, support the supply duct, and build new duct to connect to the old supply. Material made of duct board is simple to deal with and suitable for this.
The New Furnace in Once Everything Has Been Taken Out
You may slide the new furnace in once everything has been taken out of the old one and labeled so you know how to put it back together. Normally, I connect the supply duct first, then the return duct. The gas line and wiring for the new furnace may be installed once these two crucial components are in place. To make the piping process simpler, I often make sure to use an approved flexible gas line. Changing the wires is not all that difficult, but it is not always the case that the electrical lines will fit to the new furnace.
Instructions For Starting the Furnace are Included as Well
Also, ENSURE that you follow the manufacturer's instructions! There are very detailed installation instructions inside the installation handbook. Ensure that you adhere to the instructions to the letter. There are instructions for starting the furnace included as well, and following them will help you with the start-up and check operations. Keep the installation documentation on hand for future use. Additionally, there are flowcharts and troubleshooting processes that will make solving issues in the future much simpler.
After Installing Furnaces for Over Twenty Years
Even after installing furnaces for over twenty years, I still get out the installation instructions and read it because essential components are frequently modified. But after all these years, I've also been able to reduce the time to less than a day for some installations and almost always to under two days for even the most challenging ones. Even though it will take you longer, if you plan and make a list of the supplies and tools you'll need, you can still complete the task successfully and in a fair period. Alternately, you could decide to have someone else handle it.
For more information on this topic, please visit Cambridge Heating and Cooling or you can contact 416-750-4363