
Neurologist in Ahmedabad
Pediatric Neurologist
1. Who is a pediatric (child) neurologist?
Achild neurologist, or pediatric neurologist, is a doctor who treats childrenwho have problems with their nervous system. Problems in the nervous system canstart in the brain, spine, nerves, or muscles. These can lead to problems suchas seizures, headaches, or developmental delays.
Childneurologists treat children from birth into young adulthood. They choose tomake the care of children the core of their medical practice, and theiradvanced training and experience equip them to meet your child’s unique needs.Children are not young adults; hence their neurological condition needs to bemanaged by a pediatric neurologist, not an adult neurologist.
2. What training do child neurologistshave?
Fouryears of medical school (Dr Iyer completed MBBS from BJ Medical College,Ahmedabad)
3years of general pediatrics residency (Dr Iyer completed MD Pediatrics from BJMedical College, Ahmedabad)
Threeyears of residency training in child neurology, and 6 months of training inadult neurology, 3 months in child psychiatry (Dr Iyer completed this fromGlasgow, Birmingham and Liverpool, UK)
Somechild neurologists complete an additional 1-2 years of training called afellowship, where they learn a sub-specialty within neurology, such asepilepsy, neuromuscular disease, or genetics (Dr Iyer completed complexepilepsy and epilepsy surgery fellowship from SickKids Hospital, Toronto,Canada)
3.What types of services do child neurologists provide?
Childneurologists often diagnose, treat, and manage the following conditions:
Seizuresand epilepsy
Muscleproblems which may cause weakness, such as muscular dystrophy or neuropathy
Headaches,including migraines and concussions
Behavioraldisorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), tics andTourette Syndrome, and sleep problems
Developmentaldisorders, including cerebral palsy, delayed speech, delayed motor milestones,and coordination issues
Congenitalmalformations, which are problems in how the brain forms or develops
Strokeand traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Geneticconditions that affect the nervous system
Autoimmuneproblems that impact the brain and spinal cord (such as multiple sclerosis)
Infectionsor inflammation of the brain (such as meningitis or encephalitis)
4. What types of tests do childneurologists order?
Childneurologists often make a diagnosis by hearing about your child’s symptoms,their medical history, and physical exam, but at times, more tests arenecessary to make or support a diagnosis.
Commontests that child neurologists order include:
EEG(electroencephalogram) is a test that looks for problems with the electricalactivity in your brain. This test can be used to look for seizures, and to makesure your child’s brain is making the expected types of electrical activity fortheir age.
MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) or CT scan are types of imaging tests used to takepictures of the brain and/or spine. These can look for signs of brain tumor,stroke, infection, multiple sclerosis, certain genetic conditions, and more.
Lumbarpuncture (spinal tap) is a test where doctors insert a small needle in thelower back to take a sample of spinal fluid, which surrounds your brain andspinal cord. This can help look for signs of infection or inflammation, andalso check various chemicals in the fluid.
Bloodtests may be ordered for your child. These may include basic tests checking forelectrolyte changes or signs of infection, or more complicated testing such asgenetic tests for specific disorders.
5. Where can I find a child neurologist?
Childneurologists’ practice in many different medical settings. They may work inhospitals or private practices.
405, Akshar Complex, Shivranjani Crossroads, Satellite,Ahmedabad, 380015.
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