NDIS Support Services | Disability Care | My Support Services in the Victoria
NDIS Support Services | Disability Care | My Support Services in the Victoria
As a committed NDIS provider in Melbourne, My Support Services works only with the most experienced team of disability support workers. We also work hard to provide the NDIS core support that our participants deserve to improve their living situations. Talk to us now to know more about the NDIS packages we can create especially for you. Trust us to bring positive change in your life!

Supported Independent Living (SIL) And Its Benefits

Improved daily living is NDIS’ main goal for Australians with disabilities. If you are living with a disability, achieving independence while still receiving support at the same time can be challenging.  Supported independent living under the NDIS allows you to receive support without having to give up your personal freedom. 

NDIS supported independent living options provide a supportive and empowering environment. The living set-up is usually a group of people sharing a house together. But you can also have access to NDIS supported independent living in your own home. 

If you have a disability that prevents you from living by yourself or are unable to live with your family, this type of group accommodation might be for you.

Supported Independent Living Levels of Support

Everyone is unique and therefore has different support needs. The NDIS has three levels of support that SIL can provide if you are eligible: 

  • Lower needs – support is not 24/7 and usually only includes supervision of living arrangements.
  • Standard needs – support is given 24/7 and includes assistance with most daily tasks
  • Higher needs – support is given 24/7 and includes positive behaviour support for challenging behaviours aside from assistance with daily tasks.

Benefits of Supported Independent Living

Living with strangers might be a big adjustment but the following are the things that you can benefit from it:

1. Promotion of independence

Though access to care and assistance with daily tasks is always present in SIL, you are still given autonomy over how you would like to be helped and supervised. You are empowered to make your own decisions regarding your care. 

2. Availability of support 24/7

The great thing about SIL is you having the best of both worlds– achieving independence while having access to support services when you need it. Assistance with daily living under  NDIS is available for you: 

  • Personal care and grooming
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Managing medication

Support workers are available 24 hours a day, so you can get support when you need it so you can focus on living your life to the fullest.

3. Social opportunities

A major advantage of supported independent living is the opportunity for socialisation with others. You have the chance to interact with your co-residents on a daily basis and form lasting relationships with them. Supported independent living also often offers group activities for the residents, such as outings or social clubs. This can help improve your social skills and well-being.

4. Reduces feelings of isolation

When you live on their own, sometimes you can feel isolated from the community. This can bring about feelings of loneliness. SIL provides lots of opportunities for you to feel a sense of belonging and improve mental health.

5. Develop new skills

SIL can also help you learn and develop new skills with the assistance of support workers like cooking, taking care of household tasks, budgeting money, etc. Also, with the many opportunities available, you can also develop new hobbies and interests. These new skills and experiences can help you live more independently.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) And Its Benefits second | My Support Services

My Support Services: Daily Living With NDIS Support Services Made More Accessible!

Want to live independently while still being able to enjoy the benefits of shared living and 24/7 access to supports? My Support Services is here to help! With our supported independent living, you’ll certainly have doors of opportunities open for you. It’s the perfect balance between independence and support.  

Improve the quality of your life with our other excellent support services– respite caresocial and community participation, and personal care

Decided already or have any questions? Get in touch with us now!