
Malli Fish: Health Advantages And Adverse Effects
Have you ever heard of a catfish referred to as a helicopter catfish? The Malli fish, or the Boal fish, is the most widely used to refer to this species.
This freshwater fish is mostly found in Southeast Asia and can adjust to various conditions. The body of a malli fish is smooth and flat, and it has a lengthy moustache on its upper lip. As a result of its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, it is commonly ingested for the purpose of improving the health of the heart.
Let us take some time to learn about the nutritive value, the benefits, and the potential adverse effects.
Nutritional Value Of Malli Fish
The following is the nutritional value of Malli fish per 100 grams:
Calories - 105g
Fat - 2.9g
Protein - 18gm
Omega 3 - 237mg
Omega 6 - 337mg
Sodium - 50mg
Vitamin B12 - 121% of DV (Daily Value)
Selenium - 26% of DV
Phosphorus - 24% of DV
Health Benefits Of Malli Fish
1. Excellent Source Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
By lowering the amount of bad LDL cholesterol in the body while simultaneously raising the amount of good HDL cholesterol, omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system. In addition, studies have shown that taking omega-3 supplements consistently can help reduce the symptoms of depression. The omega-3 in malli fish is bioavailable EPA and DHA, which are easily absorbed by the body.
2. Contains Muscle Building Protein
The protein content of malli fish is high since one hundred grammes of the fish has eighteen grammes, which is a respectable quantity. Furthermore, because malli fish is low in fat content, its protein is high in quality and low in fat, making it an excellent choice for those looking to construct muscle gain and keep their bodies in good health. Therefore, you can definitely incorporate it into your weight loss diet for its protein and low-fat quality richness.
3. An Excellent Source Of Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12
It is beneficial for heart and brain health concerns and the prevention of anaemia; people who have heart issues and cardiovascular conditions should incorporate mallu fish in their diets.
People with brain health concerns should also be provided with malli fish in their diets for a speedy recovery. The amount of B12 found in malli fish is equivalent to 121% of the daily value.
4. Contributes To The Maintenance And Preservation Of The Nervous System
The mercury level in Malli fish is extremely low compared to other types of fish. A high mercury content has the potential to have an adverse effect on the nervous system, particularly in children. On the other hand, Malli fish can significantly contribute to children's brain development if given in moderate quantity.
However, due to the low amounts of mercury found in Malli fish, it is also acceptable for youngsters to ingest them.
5. Improved Capacity Of The Eyes
Recent studies have shown that eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids will help safeguard your eyes' overall health. In addition, those who are afflicted with age-related macular degeneration can benefit from the information presented here (AMD).
AMD is a condition that causes the retina to deteriorate, which causes vision to become cloudy. In most cases, elderly people and grownups in their later years are affected by it. This oil, which can be found in high concentrations in Malli fish, is beneficial to eye health since it helps to clear up blurry vision and generally makes vision better.
Side Effects Of Malli Fish
Excessive consumption of malli fish can lead to blood clots in the body, as well as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and arthritis in some people. So it should not be consumed by people with arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome as it can worsen the situation.
Malli fish has a reasonable amount of omega-3 fatty acids.
In addition to these benefits, eating malli fish can also aid protect the nervous system and improve eyesight. In addition to this, it is an excellent source of both vitamin B12 and lean protein. As a result of the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, it also serves to guard the cardiovascular system. A diet that includes malli fish can be beneficial, but eating too much of it could be harmful.
The Final Say
Malli can be found in river water and freshwater, which is largely distributed over Southeast Asian countries. It has a relatively lengthy and elongated body, and it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids to a reasonable extent. Additionally, due to the fish's high protein content, malli might be an ideal choice for individuals who are attempting to reduce their overall body fat percentage. Malli fish is great for children and can be a great part of their brain’s development.
So try malli fish recipes for a change and provide your family with deliciousness as well as health benefits.
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