How To Control Dangerously High Levels Of Blood Sugar
How To Control Dangerously High Levels Of Blood Sugar
Are you at a dangerous blood sugar level? Find out how to prevent it from happening again. Read this article to learn about sugar tablets and how they can help you.

Blood sugar levels can vary depending on a person's health. If a person's blood sugar levels go too high, it is called hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia usually develops over a period of several hours or days. Uncontrolled diabetes is one of the main causes of hyperglycemia.


What is a dangerous level of blood sugar?

A level below 100 mg/dl (or milligrams per deciliter) is considered normal, and anything above

that is considered abnormal. But what does "abnormal" mean? The World Health Organization has set a range from 0–99 mg/dl, which it defines as either "borderline", "pre-diabetic", or "diagnosed diabetes".


Who is at risk for high blood sugar?

The following individuals are at risk for having high blood sugar:

  • People who have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes

  • Children and adolescents who have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes

  • The elderly

  • People who have had gestational diabetes or babies in the NICU

  • Those who are overweight or obese

  • Those with a family history of diabetes

  • Those with high blood pressure

  • Those with high cholesterol (cholesterol is a type of fat)

  • Those with heart disease

  • Inactive people


How to check your blood sugar?

The most common way to check blood sugar levels is with a glucometer. These devices are available at pharmacies and online and can be used to test your glucose levels any time of day, not just before you eat or drink.

Glucometers are also handy for people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes who need to monitor their blood sugar levels frequently. They are also useful for those who want to know how their bodies react to the foods they eat or medications taken.

When checking your blood sugar level, place the glucometer's lancing device on your inner elbow and wait five minutes before checking the reading. The device will then display results as "high", "low", "normal", or "fasting". A glucometer with a memory feature can store up to 10 blood sugar readings. This helps in case you forget when your next dose is due.


What causes high blood sugar?

The following are common causes of high blood sugar:

  • High-sugar meals and sweets: A high-sugar meal or a sugary snack is a major cause of elevated blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Foods such as cookies, candies, pastries, and other baked goods have a high glycemic index (GI). These foods cause your bloodstream to absorb more glucose than it can handle, increasing blood sugar levels.

  • Inactivity: Your body needs energy to function properly. When you don't exercise enough, your cells become less sensitive to insulin, and blood glucose levels rise to unhealthy levels. This can happen even if you eat a healthy diet loaded with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

  • Stress: Stress hormones have been linked to higher levels of insulin resistance in people with diabetes and those who do not have diabetes but are at risk for developing it due to family history. Stressful situations may also cause one to overeat or skip meals due to anxiety or boredom.

  • A medical condition in the pancreas (this organ produces insulin and glucagon)

  • Cells failing to produce enough insulin or not reacting to the insulin that is produced (insulin resistance).

A word of caution

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate and one form of food energy. A low-carbohydrate diet can be helpful when limiting calories. However, you should not significantly reduce your intake of carbohydrates (such as grains and fresh fruits) because it may hinder your body's ability to fight infection, digest food, and heal wounds. It is recommended that people consume between 45–65% of their calories from carbohydrates.


Sugar tablets for high blood sugar levels

The use of sugar tablets for people with high blood sugar or diabetes is one of the most widely used methods for controlling blood sugar levels. Sugar tablets are a form of medication containing a small amount of glucose, a necessary nutrient for the body. This medicine can be taken orally or by injection.

Sugar tablets are usually given to people who have high blood sugar levels and may also be used to treat other conditions, such as diabetes and high cholesterol levels. They can be taken with or without food. It is also important to know about normal blood sugar levels chart for adults before taking sugar tablets.

The main ingredient in sugar tablets is dextrose (glucose). Dextrose has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an over-the-counter treatment for people with diabetes mellitus Type 2 (T2DM). It is also used by some people who have gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Dextrose comes in many forms, including crystals, powder, and liquid solutions. It can also be mixed with other medicines such as insulin or oral medications like Metformin Hydrochloride.



Monitoring your blood sugar and making changes in your diet can help keep you healthy and energetic. It is essential that people with diabetes know their blood sugar levels and learn how to interpret those numbers.

High levels of sugar in the blood can lead to life-threatening medical conditions.

As discussed, following a healthy diet and regular exercise can help prevent diabetes and keep your blood sugar levels under control. If you are diagnosed with high blood sugar, talk to your doctor about how to manage your symptoms and get the best medication.