
Dr Anita Rath is the best Dermatologist in Bhubaneswar. She provides consultations for hair fall, skin, baldness and other hair related problems, leprosy, nail problems and sexually transmitted diseases. She also utilizes the latest technology for skin rejuvenation, removal of tattoos, scars, pigmentation, chemical peels, wart and mole removal, laser peel etc.
Best Dermatologist in Bhubaneswar
Dr Anita Rath is the best Dermatologistin Bhubaneswar. She provides consultations for hair fall, skin, baldness andother hair related problems, leprosy, nail problems and sexually transmitteddiseases. She also utilizes the latest technology for skin rejuvenation,removal of tattoos, scars, pigmentation, chemical peels, wart and mole removal,laser peel etc.
Best Dermatologist in Bhubaneswar