7 Yoga Poses to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure
7 Yoga Poses to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure
Read the article to learn more about the Yoga poses that a High-Blood pressure patient should avoid.

Blood Pressure is a severe health problem that cancause stroke and heart attack. If the condition is severe, it may cause a heartattack as well. The condition could be called the silent killer as it does nothave any significant symptoms. So, the only way to stay safe is to go forregular check-ups. Hypertension is an independent health problem that mightoccur due to stress and tension. If you are stressed, your heart beats fasterand causes the contraction of blood vessels. In this condition, you mustpractice some of the exercises and most importantly Yoga as many Yoga Poseshelp you to release tension and stress.

Though, you must know about the poses that you areplanning to practice to get rid of high blood pressure. You can learn moreabout it by participating in Yoga Teacher Training in India,as there are plenty of Yoga Schools. Yoga in Rishikesh is amazing andimmensely effective as it is a pivot point for modern-day Yogis andYoginis. Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh enables you to learn different postures andtechniques to help you out with the issue of high blood pressure.

It is important to understand the actual concept ofYoga and its postures. Of course, Yoga helps in preventing the dangerouseffects of high blood pressure though there are many of the Yoga poses youshould not practice, in the same condition. You can check out this article, asit broadly explains the different Yoga poses that you are supposed to avoid incase you are suffering from high blood pressure. Have a look at the list toknow more.

Avoid these Yoga Poses if you have High-BloodPressure

Here’s a list of Yoga Poses that you should avoid incase of High-blood pressure or else they might create problems for you. 


Headstands should not be practiced by the people whohave high blood pressure as it involves actions that are not favorable forpressure patients. It forces your legs and heart above your head. 


For individuals suffering from High-Blood pressure,this pose is also typically dangerous. It is an inverted pose which isextremely problematic for pressure patients. Undeniably, High blood pressureand elevated legs are not favorable, definitely not. The pose puts the bodyupside down and legs elevated in the air. 

 Downward Facing Dog 

Particularly, this position must be avoided as inthis pose your body gets upside down. Your head is placed below your heartwhich is dangerous and should not be practiced. Make sure you don’t practicethis if you have high blood pressure issues. 

Backbend position

It is the worse one for people dealing with high bloodpressure and they should avoid it. Imagine, bending your entire body backwardwithout any support, just on your hands. It puts a great pressure and so shouldnot be practiced. 


Wheel Pose

It is an advanced backend pose which creates a lotof problems as it puts immense pressure and stretches your chest. It ischallenging and not at all advised for people with high blood pressure. 

Standing Forward Bend

A dangerous pose for patients who are dealing withhigh blood pressure, as in this position your body is eventually folded halfright down the middle. Now, this position demands, standing upright and foldingyour body directly over your heart, it is dangerous as all the bloodimmediately rushes to your head away from heart. 

Bridge Pose

Bridge pose puts a lot of pressure. It is betterthat you avoid practicing it. Also, make sure you never practice it without anyblock. 

The article includes a list of Yoga Pose andpostures that you are not supposed to practice if you have a blood pressureproblem. All these Yoga Poses are severely dangerous for patients dealing withpressure. Read the article to learn more about the Yoga Poses that you shouldavoid and their severe consequences.