
A leg ulcer is simply a deep break, injury, or open wound in the skin or membranes of the legs which takes a longer time to heal, for example, 3 to 4 months, and requires advanced medical care & attention.
These are common in people who are old-aged or are bedridden for a long time as it is a result of poor blood circulation. If they are treated early by bedside wound care, the foot ulcer can be cured without inviting any medical complications.
Let’s know how a foot ulcer occurs.
1. Why does a Leg Ulcer Occur?
2. Symptoms of A Leg Ulcer
3. How to recognize if an ulcer is infected?
4. Prevention Of Leg Ulcer
Advanced wound care & treatment are effective in recovering leg ulcers but if they don’t get treated on time, the wound may become infected. In severe cases, it might lead to amputation. It is vital to consult with a doctor as soon as the symptoms get noticed.
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