The Whole Truth About DMT
The Whole Truth About DMT
The Whole Truth About DMT

Dimethyltryptamine ( DMT ) is the active entheogenic principle of ayahuasca . DMT is found naturally in the human brain exactly in the epiphysis or pineal gland and in other mammals and is considered as a neurotransmitter. You can also get DMT For Sale online. It is the psychedelic with the most intense action known and the greatest visual impact. It is found in numerous plants and seeds, such as Mimosa hostilis or the so-called deer's eye . It is produced in small amounts every time an individual dreams, and in near-death experiences.

Obtaining and uses

DMT (N-dimethyltryptamine) is a tryptamine alkaloid with an indole nucleus and has its antecedent in nature, which is obtained by pulverizing the grains of the piptademia peregrina plant (base of the Amazonian cohoba), which does not make it similar but identical to bufotenin. Piptademia peregrina, a shrub of the legume family, comes from the Antilles and the regions of the Orinoco River. The pancarú of Pernambuco (Brazil) use Jurumena vinho, prepared with the seeds of the Mimosa hostilis legume, in magical-religious ceremonies, whose hallucinogen, nigerine, is actually DMT.

DMT is also found endogenously in the human brain,  probably accounting for its dramatic, short-lived visionary effects and rapid metabolism. Some speculate that DMT, produced in small amounts by humans and mammals, is involved in the visual effects of natural sleep and even near-death experiences and other mystical states. A biochemical mechanism for these effects was proposed by medical researcher JC Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT may be related to the phenomenon of visual dreaming, where DMT levels in the brain are periodically increased to induce visual dream hallucinations and possibly other natural states of consciousness.

Presentation and forms of consumption

It is inactive orally if a monoamine oxidase inhibitor is not also administered , it produces an intense action intravenously and can cause panic reactions and is sometimes smoked mixed with marijuana. Another of its absorption routes is through the nasal mucosa and the general description of its effects can be impressive.


From 5 to 20 mg of the Cohoba plant ( Anadenanthera peregrina ) is enough to produce non-colored visions and disturbances of the notion of space. Appreciation is also disturbed, either because it seems accelerated, or, on the contrary, suspended. DMT has been synthesized and causes perceptual disorders very quickly, which is called in slang "Blase" (an explosion). The mind and the self unfold before our eyes and there is a feeling that one is the other. Emotional communication is of an overwhelming intensity. Breathing is normal, heartbeat steady, mind clear and attentive.


Consumers who Buy DMT Online agree when describing the different stages of the effect, and there is a wide repertoire of specific words for the effects that occur after its consumption through different routes, thus the initial "dome" , or warm and dark space full of shadows fleeting, prior to the experience of the "blaze" in consciousness.