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Light bleeding may happen in the first trimester. This is not often a cause of concern. But sometimes, spotting during pregnancy may indicate a serious problem. It can mean a loss of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, hormonal shifts, or a few other things. In this post, we will discover the causes for spotting after a woman conceives.

1.           Ectopic Pregnancy

Here, the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterus. So, implantation as in normal pregnancy does not occur in the womb. The most common spot for an ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube. In this case, bleeding may result after implantation. You must not continue such a pregnancy.

The fetus will not survive but rupture. And this can lead to profuse bleeding, causing death or serious infection. Internal bleeding may start at any time and cause heavier flow. Surgical intervention is usually necessary to eliminate an ectopic pregnancy.

2.           Miscarriage

Early pregnancy signs may cause spotting. The initial sign may be light vaginal bleeding. A miscarriage can happen anytime in the initial 23 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes, people may want to initiate a miscarriage with their consent – abortion. Abortion pills or surgical abortion are the two options in this case.

If the individual chooses medical abortion, then she can take Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills. Both are available in one pack if women buy MTP Kit online or obtain it from a pharmacy/clinic. The medication will expel the fetus from the vagina. One of the effects here is moderate to heavy bleeding.

3.           Implantation Bleeding

Spotting may also occur shortly after the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. This is the start of a pregnancy. In this stage, the body does not start production of the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone. Pregnancy is counted from the time of implantation.

So, a pregnancy test may come negative even after a few days after implantation. Sometimes light bleeding or spotting after a person misses her period may indicate implantation bleeding. The color of blood is brownish. Some women may think it is a sign of the menstrual cycle.

However, bleeding after implantation is shorter and lighter than a period. Thus, one must check they have conceived or not if he/she experiences such kind of bleeding.

4.           Hormonal Changes

Once a female is in the week 6 to 8 post conceiving, she experiences a hormonal shift. The luteal-placental shift here means the placenta development. The placenta develops at an increasing rate. In this stage, the body produces certain hormones required to continue a pregnancy.

But before a woman hits this stage, the pregnancy hormones come from the corpus luteum. These are cells or rather a group of cells. They form usually at the time one ovulates. Once the hormonal shift takes place, it can lead to a lower level of progesterone hormone, temporarily.

This change can ensue light bleeding, spotting, or even heavy bleeding like a period. But there is no danger of pregnancy loss till the time the placenta produces sufficient progesterone.

5.           Cervical Injury or Irritation

The cervix is at the entrance of the uterus. It has a shape of a doughnut. During pregnancy, the blood supply in the cervix increases. Cervical irritation at this stage may happen from a pelvic exam. Or, it can also occur because of intercourse. Spotting in pregnancy can result from vaginal penetration.

This is possibly also an indication of cervical bleeding. Though it is not much of a concern. But a serious trauma, injury as a result of an assault, etc, can cause a severe cervical tear. Also, this can escalate the risk of infections and complications. In case you doubt cervical bleeding in pregnancy, get in touch with your doctor immediately.

6.           Subchorionic Hematoma

There is a fetal membrane close to the placenta. As it is positioned next to the placenta, blood may sometimes build-up at the chorion. Thus, one may experience slight bleeding in this case. The condition is often termed a subchorionic hemorrhage.

It is one of the most common kinds of bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy. This may not cause any serious complications. But sometimes it can also mean a loss of pregnancy is underway.

Final Words                                        

Spotting at the time of pregnancy can result from several reasons. To know the proper cause of bleeding in pregnancy, you must meet a doctor and get the necessary tests done. Some of the tests that may help are ultrasound of the full abdomen, blood tests to measure the level of hCG hormone, etc.

Bleeding in pregnancy can cause dizziness, fever, discomfort with overall health, nausea, and other issues. If such symptoms persist, one must check with their physician for further steps to take. Early intervention and treatment can prevent complications that threaten the pregnancy.

Sometimes, women with Rhesus-negative blood may also encounter bleeding. Here, the doctor may ask to get a RhoGAM. With accurate treatment, such females can prevent erythroblastosis fetalis and continue a safe pregnancy.