
Migraine and headache are often interchanged, yes both are related to the head, but when it comes to the pain scale, migraine is in a league of its own, and also comes with a host of other symptoms. Migraine can be last from a few days to weeks with debilitating pain which prevents us from doing even the basic stuff. The exact cause for migraine is not yet confirmed with different people having multiple triggers from caffeine to dark chocolates and so on.
Natural Ways To Treat Migraines
1. Stay Hydrated
For some people staying hydrated is all it needs to treat migraines. In these busy times staying hydrated can be a cause of concern, with the busy work lifestyle. By being dehydrated for a long period of time, following the same pattern for days can lead to migraine. So, stay hydrated, keep a bottle of water always with you.
2. Diet changes
As mentioned in the beginning the triggers can be different. So the only way to find out is by trial and error method. Start cutting off one food item for your diet and see for a week. If your state improves after removing one item, you have found the trigger for the migraine. For some people it might be dark chocolate, for some, it might be cheese.
3. Limit the intake of Alcohol and Smoking
Well, not limit but completely stop the intake of alcohol and smoking as not only will improve your migraine occurrence but over health as well. We all know the side effects of alcohol and smoking, as it leads to various forms of cancer.
4. Ginger Tea
Ginger is widely used in the field of Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of various health issues and can also be used to treat migraines. Have a cup go ginger tea every day to improve your state and to prevent migraine from popping up every now and then.
5. Magnesium Intake
There are two ways to take magnesium, either by supplements or increasing the intake of magnesium-rich foods. Some common foods include bananas and all leafy green vegetables. Magnesium has been clearly shown to bring down the frequency of migraine attacks.
6. Proper Sleep Cycle
Having a proper sleep pattern can help to avoid migraine. Not having a proper sleep cycle can affect teh c circadian rhythm, which can lead to hormonal balance and other sorts of problems. By following ap proper sleep pattern you are allowing the body to rest at the same time every day, allowing the cells to repair and replace the damaged ones. An imbalance of hormones can lead to various health issues which you want to avoid at all costs.
7.Control Your Stress
Sometimes overthinking can lead to migraine, as tension leads to the build-up of cortisol. More the cortisol, the more will the chance of migraine showing up. Cortisol is not a migraine trigger but can also affect the heart in the long run. You can try doing yoga to relieve your stress. Follow a yoga routine daily at least for half-hour to see maximum results.
8. Panchakarma
This is something that needs professional help. Visit your nearest Panchakarma treatment center, most Ayurvedic Hospitals do provide Panchakarma treatment. This treatment can help you with migraine as well as relieve the entire pressure in your body. It is also helpful for treating body pains and sore muscles.
Just hearing the word migraine can lead to sending chills down the spine of those who have experienced it. The exact trigger for migraine varies from person to person, so follow all the above-mentioned steps to find your trigger and avoid giving migraine any chance to pop up. Avoid the intake of alcohol and smoking, if possible completely remove them from your life, as the drawback is more than the benefit you get.