5 Fun and Relaxing Ways to Reduce Drinking and Embrace a Drier Summer
5 Fun and Relaxing Ways to Reduce Drinking and Embrace a Drier Summer
There are many obvious benefits to cutting back on alcohol. For one, there are many health perks. Reducing your alcohol consumption can also make your skin look better and contributes to better weight management. Then there’s the money you save. Having some effective strategies can make the process of cutting back this summer far easier. Consider options like support from loved ones and trying kava and kratom to relax.

Cutting back on drinking offers a variety of well-known health benefits. It also makes for far more comfortable mornings and clearer, less fatigued, and more energetic days. Then there are the benefits to your skin and the advantages for weight management. Plus, reducing your drinking tends to be good news for the health of your bank account. For many people, drinking less is particularly important during the hot, busy summer months. If you’re considering cutting back on your drinking this summer, it’s helpful to have some convenient tips to keep you on track. From getting support from loved ones to looking into kratom for relaxation, here are five fun, easy ways to embrace a drier summer.

Take a Break From Drinking

Sometimes successfully reducing your drinking is as simple as taking a hard break from it. Go a week or month without having a drink. People often find that they feel so much better after taking a drinking hiatus that continuing to do so is easy. Although it might be a challenge at first, once you get into the swing of things and have different alternatives lined up, you might not want to go back.

Let Your Friends and Family Know You’re Cutting Back

One of the most challenging hurdles you can face when you’re cutting back on alcohol intake is refraining from having drinks with loved ones. For millions of people, drinking with friends and family is a major social and cultural tradition. Letting your loved ones know that you’re cutting back is likely to make the process far easier. It’s also best to avoid people and events you know are likely to promote or result in heavier drinking. Have the conversation beforehand to help you stay accountable and reduce any social pressure.

Try Kratom for Relaxation

For many people, having a few drinks is more about relaxing and unwinding than it is a social tradition. There are a variety of natural options for taking the edge off without alcohol that are worth considering. For instance, there has been a recent surge in the popularity of some ancient plants that people have used for centuries to relax and promote a euphoric sense of well-being. Kratom is among the most popular of those plants. However, kratom is interesting in that it has different effects depending on the serving size and strain. Choose a strain of kratom known for promoting relaxation, like “red” strains, and enjoy a full serving size.

Give Kava a Shot

Like kratom, a kava craze is sweeping across the country. A few years ago, kava was virtually unheard of. There are now dozens of kava bars across the country and a wide variety of quality kava tonics and other products available. Also, like kratom, kava is known to have different effects depending on the amount. For example, a half serving of kava has become popular with many bodybuilders and athletes as a stimulating pre-workout boost. On the other hand, full kava servings are renowned for producing a blissful sense of peace accompanied by a cheerful, positive mood. Plus, kava is famed for not being accompanied by any of the sloppiness of alcohol nor by a hangover the next day.

Go for a Mocktail Instead

It’s become clear to a whole lot of people who have chosen to cut back on alcohol that the ritual of pouring, mixing, and sipping on a drink is at least as important as the effects of alcohol. Sometimes just having a drink in hand is central to the experience and people miss it. Try switching your alcoholic drink out for a mocktail if you enjoy the process and ritual of having a drink after work or on the weekend. You may find it makes a big difference!

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