How Often Should You Get A Hydrafacial Treatment?
How Often Should You Get A Hydrafacial Treatment?
Cell turnover is a process that allows the skin to regenerate itself. This happens every 28 days or so when old cells are shed as well as new ones emerge. However, the exact rate at which your cells turnover varies from one person to another.

How Long Do The Results Of A Hydrafacial Last?


As a result, this is a crucial factor to consider at the time of developing your treatment plan. Specific factors such as skin type, diet, age, sleep patterns as well as stress levels; all of these tend to impact cell turnover.

Cell turnover, at optimal levels, helps to prevent visible aging signs. It does not, however, remains consistent throughout the lifetime. Due to all of the aforementioned factors, it might slow at any time.

Exfoliation, on the other hand, effectively enhances cell turnover by removing dead skin cells manually. This brings new ones to the surface, which explains why Surrey Hydrafacial is so.