
Every time the season changes, so does your hair. It’s important to keep up with the seasonal differences in moisture, heat, wind, and sunlight so you can make sure you’re supporting your hair the right way, especially if you have 4C hair. 4C curls need extra support to make sure they’re growing strong and healthy. That way, even the dry weather of fall or even the cold winds of winter don’t stand a chance. Whether you’re using 4C hair products, or simply changing the temperature of your water, here are four tips to help you have your best hair this fall.
Grow It Out Just in Time for Winter
A lot of people love to cut their hair short for the hot days of summer. With those behind you, if you’re considering growing your curls back out, there are a few steps you can take to help them grow before we get deep into fall. First, use products like a scalp stimulator or hair oil with natural ingredients that can help promote new growth. Second, make sure to massage your scalp to help keep the blood circulating to your follicles. Then, trust time to do its magic. Before you know it, you’ll have a full, fall-ready style.
Rinse Your Hair with Cool Water
This tip is all about self-control. When the weather starts to cool down, it’s easy to want to use warm water to rinse off your hair. Whether washing it or doing a deep condition, the warm water can feel nice. It’s important that you stick to cool water. Cooler water can help close your pores and follicles and lock in the moisture of your shampoo and conditioning products. Finishing up your routine by rinsing with cold water can keep your scalp and hair happy and healthy all winter. You don’t have to use cold water the whole time, just at the end.
Support Your Natural Hair with the Right Products
In the fall, it’s important to understand that your hair has specific needs. With 4C curls, you need the right products to support your strands while the weather changes. If you start early in fall, your hair can hold up against the worst that nature can throw at you. With 4C hair, you want to look for products full of powerful, natural ingredients. Rosemary, mint, omega fatty acids, Jamaican black castor oil, and vitamins are all great things to look out for. You also want a routine that includes hair oils, balms, and mists, that provide deep and nourishing moisture.
Leave-In Conditioners Can Be Your Best Friend
A leave-in conditioner can make all the difference as you keep your hair moisturized and healthy through the dry days of autumn. You can apply it to your hair when it’s damp or dry after your everyday routine. Then, seal it in with a balm or oil so that the hydrating effects of your leave-in conditioner can last all day. While the leaves dry out and it seems like all the moisture has left the air, your 4C hair can stay healthy and hydrated.
About Bask and Lather
It’s time to get back to your natural hair. Bask and Lather’s innovative products can help promote new hair growth or give your curls some healthy support. They know what it’s like to struggle with hair loss. Both the CEO and her sister experienced it, and Bask and Lather’s flagship products, the Scalp Stimulator and Hair Elixir, helped them regain their healthy, beautiful curls. Now, Bask and Lather wants to help provide the same amazing results to their community. Their 4C and alopecia hair products are built to relieve itchiness, provide moisture, and even help promote new growth. Check out the Bask and Lather website to see first-hand results from real people who have used these products. With Bask and Lather, you can give your hair all the support it needs to be its best.
Get all the products you need for happy and healthy 4C hair this fall at
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