
Autism Awareness Australia (AAA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to spreading awareness about autism and autistic spectrum disorders. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by difficulties with social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors.
Most people will respond with applied behavior analysis (ABA), occupational therapy (OT), or speech therapy when asked to name a treatment that will benefit the autistic community. Still, I'm here to tell you that other medicines can be helpful. In this essay, I will discuss two particular treatments, their advantages, and a description of what typical sessions can entail:
Autistic touch therapy
At Autism organization Australia the first therapy that might benefit people with autism is known as autistic touch therapy. Tina Allen, who started the charity Liddle Kids, teaches individuals how to massage kids of all ages and abilities while traveling the world. In autistic touch therapy, the therapist employs various items that the child enjoys during the therapy session, such as a toy vehicle, hairbrush, or even a hand puppet, to mention a few.
The advantages include soothing muscle spasms, promoting relaxation, and reducing stress. Additionally, it encourages body awareness and might help a child get more used to tactile stimuli. It is helpful for a youngster who has trouble falling asleep, needs assistance with sensory integration, and needs to control gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.
Along with frequent sensory integration, performing Autistic Touch on a kid will lessen withdrawal, touch aversion, and inattentiveness. An average session of autism touch therapy lasts for about 30 minutes. The therapist gets to know the child and their family in the first session before starting the touch therapy in the next session. The therapist asks the child whatever part of the body they would like the object to be used on after having them choose the thing they wish to use.
The therapist may share with the parents the details of the tasks they did during the initial touch therapy session with the kid so they can continue working with the child later, mainly if the child isn't sleeping well.
Tibetan singing bowl
The oldest and most organic therapeutic method known to man is Tibetan Singing Bowls. The bowls operate by vibrations, which can go deep into our bodies to permeate the bones and relax the neurological system. The beats have a healing impact on us that a therapist's hands could never achieve. Deep relaxation and endorphin release, which reduces stress, are some advantages of Tibetan bowls.
They are said to promote deeper sleep and relieve headaches, fatigue, insomnia, digestive disorders, joint or muscle aches, menstrual disorders, and emotional imbalances by releasing emotional traumas imprisoned in the subconscious and activating the body's self-healing mechanisms. The average session for a child with autism lasts about 30 minutes. Like with autistic touch therapy, the therapist first gets to know the child and their family before letting the child see the bowls and feel their vibration to determine whether they want to participate.
So, these are the two techniques that people need to know about and if anyone is going through this then Autism Awareness Australia is here to help them.