
© Copyright Dr Rajat Mohan 2019 | Designed by : Aero Pack
Pacemaker is a a small electronic device which is placed just below the collar bone on the right or the left side.
It is implanted when the patient gets dizziness due to slowing of the heart rate.
Slowing of the heart rate occurs because of disturbances in the electric conduction of the heart.
The heart rate could slow due to degeneration of the conduction system as in older age groups. Obstruction to the blood supply to the conduction system could also lead to slowing of the heart rate but it normally tends to get back to normal when the obstruction is corrected and then a Pacemaker might not be needed as in cases of heart attack.
Pacemaker consists of a pulse generator, which has a battery 1 or more wires known as pacing leads, which are inserted through the veins and attach to the heart. Electrical impulses are transmitted through the wires to your heart at a fixed or variable rate which is called the pacing rate.
The pace maker switches on when the heart rate falls to dangerously low levels – it works on demand. Pacemakers come with a metal casing so MRI as an investigation is not possible. But now companies which sell Pacemakers are manufacturing Pacemakers which are MRI compatible. MRI compatible Pacemakers are costlier than normal Pacemakers Having a Pacemaker implanted is a relatively straightforward process. Pacemaker implantation is carried out under local anesthesia, . The procedure usually takes about an hour; you should be able to return to normal physical activities soon after surgery. It's recommended that strenuous activities are avoided for around 4 to 6 weeks after having a Pacemaker fitted. You'll be able to feel the Pacemaker, but you'll soon get used to it. You'll need to attend regular check-ups to make sure your Pacemaker is working properly.
Using most common household electrical equipment, is not a problem as long as you use them at least 15cm (6 inches) away from your Pacemaker. If you feel dizzy or feel your heart beating faster while using an electrical appliance, simply move away from it to allow your heart beat to return to normal. Pacemaker implantation is usually a very safe procedure with a low risk of complications.
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