
Lutein Has Positive Significance for The Treatment of Diseases
Using the various functions of lutein, the next kinds of people may be listed. It's also wise to get sucked in the appropriate amount of lutein and eat it along with other nutrients.
Chemical companies: 1. Specific staff: have to be used in the noon sun (athletes, pilots, pads, traffic police)
2. People struggling with eye illnesses: individuals with cataracts, glaucoma, presbyopia, amblyopia, strabismus, and astigmatism, regular quantitative usage of lutein can relieve the finished result.
3. Workers in offices: workers who frequently use computers or stare at TV screens and throngs of folks that frequently stay awake late or night workers.
4. Patients battling as well as other illnesses: cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, urine protein, diabetes.
Drying method
There's a totally new kind of clothing dryer that dries and pounds marigolds and lutein. Once the fluctuation rate within the pendulum is between 70% and 90%, the information of lutein is determined by the drying time once the drying time is comparable, the quantity of lutein acquired at 70 ℃ is under that under 60 ℃ drying conditions.