
Lignin is a significant organic polymer that is widely distributed in the cell walls of some particular cells. It performs a wide range of biological tasks, including the movement of fluids, mechanical support, and resistance to diverse stresses. It is a blend of three intricate polymeric molecules and is a phenolic chemical (containing a —OH group connected to an aromatic ring). Whether the It comes from grasses, woody angiosperms, or gymnosperms affects how much of each of the three monomers is present.
When making paper, lLignin is typically removed from wood pulp by treating it with substances like sulphur dioxide, sodium sulphide, or sodium hydroxide. It is used in industry for a variety of purposes, including as a soil conditioner, as a binder for particleboard and related laminated or composite wood products, as both as a filler or active component in phenolic resins and as a linoleum adhesive. It is also used to create dimethyl sulfoxide and synthetic vanilla.
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