
All right, let's get directly into it. The hungry children in Uganda are starving to death. Where the food is required the most. This can’t stand by. then, at that point, you would find every one of the areas where humanity required food. Presently you would be aware of what regions of the world is needing food. Up to this point, barely any cash would be spent. Only a bit of examination.
Then, at that point, you would figure out what are the best foods to be provided for specific regions. You would keep the assortment of foods basic but sustaining. This might take some more exploration, regarding the matter of nourishment. If done right, this exploration could be worn with practically zero cash. All right up to this point, this much should handily be possible.
All right now we may very well need to go through some cash to secure the measures of food required. You would buy the food in the closest areas, if essential, to lessen expenses and exertion. Could a billion bucks be sufficient to buy sufficient food? Perhaps with some assistance from Children of God, and perhaps God himself, We would have the option to get a few reasonable setups on food.
Next would be the conveyance of this hunger organizations Uganda to the areas out of luck. You would at first convey the food from the sky. Drop it with parachutes. This should be possible with a piece of any military of any significant country. You feel any nation would need to take care of its destitute individuals.