
A-One Person Company (OPC) is the most recent type of business sent off in the year 2013. OPC is for single proprietor/organizer who doesn't see as any coordinated and safe type of business, OPC can be framed by a solitary part with the least compliances and upkeep.
How to enroll One Person Company (OPC) in India?
One Person Company (OPC) requires just a single individual and one chosen one to begin an enrollment cycle. The chosen one is the individual who will assume responsibility for the organization in the event of the death of the sole part.
# Get ready DSC and document Name Approval: The initial step is to get ready DSC and DIN. This takes at some point one to two days. From that point, you want to petition for name endorsement. The principal expression of the name should be remarkable and the name should end with the words "(OPC) Private Limited."
# Record for Incorporation: After taking name endorsement, the subsequent stage is to petition for fuse through flavor structure INC 32. Further, PAN and TAN are not expected to be documented independently and the equivalent is assigned to organization development.
# Take GST Registration: After consolidation, access your business and take essential enrollment including GST enlistment. This is on the grounds that working without a charge permit is illicit in India.
Know the rudiments
Become familiar with the rudiments about Nidhi organization and its consistence
Archives min
Archives Required
Enrollment min
Prerequisite for Registration
Process min
Absolute Process Involved
Nidhi min
Who can begin a Company in India?
Time cost min
Time and Cost included
Advance min
Change into Private Company
How to choose Company Name?
Required min
Required Compliance
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Records Required for Online OPC Registration
For Single Director and Nominee
Duplicate of PAN Card
Aadhar Card
Address Proof (Bank Statement, Mobile bill, Telephone bill)
Visa Size Photo
For Registered Office
Possession Proof (Electricity Bill and so on)
Service Bill (Gas Bill, Electricity Bill)
NOC (Download design)
OPC Company Registration Process
One Person (OPC) Company enrollment process is exceptionally straightforward The entire method is totally on the web and one need not visit our office genuinely to get the Company enlistment.
# Stage 1 - Arrange every single required report: The initial step is to orchestrate every one of the archives and send something very similar over the email to us. We will really look at it and assuming all is well, you will be expected to pay half development.
# Stage 2 - DSC, DIN, and Name Approval: After getting the necessary archives and half development, we will begin your work. We will get the DIN, DSC, and name endorsement.
# Stage 3 - File for fuse: Once your name is supported, you will be expected to pay the remainder of the sum, and afterward we will be document your organization's fuse. Whenever endorsement is conceded, the consolidation work stands total.
Compulsory Requirements for OPC Company Registration
One individual Company (OPC) is an ideal substitute for sole ownership business presented in the extended time of 2013.
OPC permits a single individual to shape an organization and begin the business in India. Notwithstanding, under OPC, one can't raise financing nor can give ESOPs to recruit top gifts. Further, most extreme turnover under this organization can't surpass Rs.2 Cr whereupon the OPC is compulsory changed over into Private Limited Company. The compulsory prerequisites are:
One individual and one chosen one are required. The chosen one is the individual who takes control of the death of the sole originator.
Whatever is the capital measure of your organization, you ought to contribute something very similar within 2 months of consolidation.
Any individual can frame just a single OPC according to the Companies Act, further, no one but an individual can shape an OPC.
Who can begin an OPC Company in India?
This is one of the main inquiries that is posed by each individual who will begin an OPC in India. Though there is no limitation on anyone to shape an organization in India, yet, we might want to examine a few extraordinary cases:
Existing chiefs: Yes, they can open the OPC however in the event that they currently own one, any further OPC isn't permitted.
Workers: Employees are for the most part not permitted by their bosses to shape an organization and be a chief.
They might stand firm on shares yet can't accept foothold as chief. To open an organization, then, at that point, check your work understanding and you may likewise look for consent from the particular manager.
- Organizations, Firms: according to the Companies, act of, 2013 no one but an individual can shape an OPC.
Financing and Conversion of OPC into Private Limited Company
OPC can't raise financing by selling the portion of value shares since there can't be two individuals.
The OPC can be sold totally without partitioning any piece of value shares. Further, OPC can likewise be changed over into a Private restricted Company in consonance with the accompanying principles:
- Willful Conversion of OPC into Private Company: The deliberate change of OPC into a private restricted organization can happen solely after two years from the date of consolidation.
- Obligatory Conversion of OPC into Private Company: If the Company has a settled up capital of Rs.50 lakh or more or applicable turnover during the monetary year surpasses Rs.2 crore, then, at that point, OPC need to change over into a Private restricted organization.
Compulsory Compliances after OPC Company Registration
There are numerous compliances that an organization needs to follow, nonetheless, we might want to talk about not many most significant compliances for the private restricted organizations in India:
OPC is treated as an isolated organization and henceforth, all expenses and reports are to be documented.
After the end of the first budget report and document something very similar to ROC.
When GST is set up, one needs to take GST enrollment and follow equivalent to per time span.