
Travel Insurance Policy at Safetree
Safetree is a renowned insurance companyoffering need-based insurance plans and technology powered innovative insurancesolutions to help the citizens of the country. We work towards securing peoplefrom the financial crisis and help them pick the best insurance within theirbudget. From affordabletravel insurance to home and life insurance, we offer every basic plan. Our travelinsurance plan offers maximum coverage at the best price. When you visitdifferent countries, it is important to stay protected from all the risks.Travel insurance would help you tackle all the travel and medical contingencieswhile you travel abroad. You might feel travel insurance is an extra expense,but it's better to be safe than sorry. Buying travel insurance would not onlysafeguard you from all the possible unforeseen situations but also help youcherish all the lovely memories of your stay there.
The travel insurance packages, offer benefits such as Medical expenses i.ecoverage for any surgical or emergency medical treatment when you are away fromhome, Curtailment, coverage for any trip that is shortened or canceled due to avalid reason, Personal Liability Cover, Loss of passport, Terrorism,Repatriation of remains, OPD Cover, Cashless Hospitalization and much more.There are two types of trip insurance policies; Single Trip Policy and AnnualMulti-Trip Policy. The single trip travel insurance policy lasts for a maximumof 180 days and can be extended depending upon your requirement. On the otherhand, Annual Multi-Trip Policy is valid for making several trips during theyear, each one ranging from 30-45 days.
To purchase the travel insurance plan you canvisit your nearest branch, visit our online website or download our mobileapplication. You can also get in touch with our travel agent insurance. Enjoy your trip with Safetree travelinsurance. Contact us today!
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