
Personal Loan Interest Rate Calculator
Personal Loan Interest Rate Calculator
The personal loan interest rate calculator calculates EMI, interest cost and total amount payable against personal loan amounts, interest rates and loan tenures. Knowing EMI in advance would also help you plan your finances before taking a personal loan. Most lenders do not approve personal loan applications until they ensure EMI obligations, including the proposed EMI of the new loan, exceed 50% – 55% of their net monthly income.
The personal loan interest rate calculator made the calculation easy for future planning to avail yourself of a personal loan and made it easy to figure out the monthly installments of the plan. Here we have 2 key factors which we need for calculation are loan amount and tenure for deciding for a personal loan.
For the calculation of EMI’s on the personal loan amount according to interest rate: By using a calculator, first you should enter the loan amount then the tenure, rate of interest in the particular columns, and your EMI’s will display instantly on the screen. For example, you entered 500000 amounts, for 5 years of tenure, with an interest rate of 10.25% the EMI’s will be 10,685.
Personal loan interest rate calculator also calculates the interest payable and total amount to pay (principal interest).