
Need based Insurance Plans at Safetree
Safetree isone of the leading insurance firms offering the best and innovative insurancesolutions and need based insurance policies. We, at Safetree aim at securingthe citizens of the nation financially and mitigate the risks associated withthe insurance products. We offer the bestlife insurance policy alongwith other basic plans such as motorcycle, car, travel, etc. The surging costof medical care can burn a hole in your pocket. Hence it is very important to createa financial backup like a life insurance plan which will come in handy duringemergencies. Life insurance offers financial coverage to the family of thepolicyholder in case of demise and a predefined amount is being paid to thenominee. The prime benefits of our life insurance plan include a death benefit,tax benefit, loan option, return on investment, and terminal illness benefit.You can pick add-ons such as critical illness add-on, accidental death benefit,waiver of premium, etc. to strengthen the coverage of the plan.
Similar to life insurance, homeinsurance plans arealso important if you are a house owner. It provides coverage against any lossor damages caused to the building and also the valuables present within thehome. An adequate home insurance policy saves you from emotional and financialstress. Any damage or loss caused by fire, natural calamities like floods,earthquakes, storms, and man-made events like riots, strikes, thefts, burglary,arson, etc. are covered. The key benefits of this plan include coverage for thestructure and building, Laptop and Mobile, Electronics & Appliances, andJewelry and Precious items.
We also offer an affordable health insurance plan covering hospitalization expenses,Cashless Treatment benefit allows availing the medical treatment at the besthospitals, without having to pay from your pocket. For more details, you canvisit our online website or download the mobile application. Visit today!
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