
Internet security refers to a specific aspect of broader concepts namely cyber-security and computer security. The primary objective of internet security software is to prevent access to sensitive data or network resources. This includes preventing hacking of computer systems and theft of information. The goal is to prevent the unauthorized use of system resources like databases, files, and ports. It also encompasses the security of networks and servers. Finally, it covers security support personnel activities including firewalls, anti-virus programs, and intrusion detection systems.
In order to achieve this objective, the main components of any security software or program must be able to detect, prevent and isolate malicious attacks on the network. They should have an efficient scanning method that prevents false-positive results from malware injections. The anti-virus component of the suite must have robust definitions to detect viruses, spyware, and other malware. It should also be able to efficiently isolate or remove threats during a scan. Most importantly, it should provide remediation measures for exploited systems so that they can be properly tended to and maintained.
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