Proconnect Support
There has been an issue with the Pro connect users where the password is not getting right. Users have mentioned that they have forgotten or lost the password. Now they are looking for steps to recover their account so that account can be accessible again. Now Pro connect do have noticed such sort of happenings in the account for which there is a way by which Pro connect account’s password can be recovered. Now in the following situation all users have to do is follow the exact same steps we provide to the user.
· Beginning step is to open the browser and open Pro connect official website.
· Next open the login section of the application
· In the sing in section search for, Forget password link.
· In the link user will be able to recover their login id and password.
· A code will be sent which needs to be verified.
· After verification users can create a new password for their account.
Apply the following steps and users will be able to create a new password for their Pro connect account.
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