
How to choose your insurance agent for health insurance?
A health insurance policy in present times has become a necessity. It savesyou during medical emergencies when hospital medical bills can become verystressful.
The goal isto get an insurance policy is that the best of the lot. But, how to pick theright insuranceagent for health insurance! This is howto go about the process.
1. You need to understand that in India, the insuranceagent is well regarded and respected by the insured. If the person is happy andimpressed with the services, there are chances that he will refer the agent tohis relatives and friends. Since the relationship becomes emotional at acertain level and is filled with trustworthiness, you must put your trust inthe right agent.
2. So, pay attention to a few basic facts when choosingyour insurance agent; be it for health insurance, or the best life insurance policy.
3. First and foremost, please check the types ofinsurance products that the agent sells. If you are focused on buying healthinsurance, choose someone because of his specialized knowledge in the subjectmatter. Do not choose him just because he has been recommended by yourrelative! Scrutinize his reputation and knowledge base very carefully beforetrusting him.
4. It is important to check if the agent will beassociated with you only till the point you buy the policy or is there anyafter-sale service that the agent offers. Remember that the insurance agentearns his money based on the policies that he sells. So, find out if he isinterested in you only till you make a purchase, or does he believe in along-term relationship.
5. Understand if he can offer references to hisprevious customers for buying a home insurancepolicy in India – two orthree. When you speak to customers who he has dealt with in the past, you get aclearer idea of the agent’s service standards.
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